Fitzies, Wahoos and Friends for 'T' have pledged to raise $11,000 in support of the Theresa’s Battleship Foundation Miles for Smiles helping to raise awareness for Childhood Cancer Research!!

Help us reach our goal by donating to the link below!!

$14,375 of $11,000


Fitzies, Wahoos and Friends for ‘T’ Message Board

“Let's Shoot for the Stars this year, TEAM!! We can do it!” - Maureen Fitzpatrick

“To Maureen and family continue in your mission” - Zivi Aviraz

“Keep up the good work! Thinking of you all” - Marianne Geuss

“With love for Theresa and all those who loved her” - June Gaston

“GO TEAM!” - Karen Kellerman

“Here's to another successful year!!!!! WAHOO, Friend Jim P. for T!!!”

“thanks to all, espeically the Fitzies! Go Team!!” Joan Fitzpatrick

“Go team Fitzies” - Zivi Aviraz

“OK I'm in..........can't resist a Fitz!!!!” - Delores DonVito

“Go Team Fitzies, Wahoos and Friends - We've got this!!!” - Mary Galiette

“GO TEAM FITZIES & WAHOOS!!!!” - John Galiette

“Go Team Fitzies!” - Patricia Dasilva

“Go team Fitzies! Best wishes for much success and participation as your honor Theresa and her extraordinary life!” - Kye Cohen

“Go Team Fitzies!!!” - Rich Cohen

“Keep up the good work for such a great cause!” - Tim Fitzpatrick